Monarch Garden Home Care would like to give a special thank you to all of our caregivers! We value each and every one of our caregivers and appreciate all that they do for our awesome clients. 

If you are a caregiver for a family member or for a company please take the time to visit 

There is so much valuable information on this amazing site as well as events and conferences that they hold for caregivers. 

Being a caregiver is very rewarding but can also be very difficult. It is so important to remember to take care of yourself as well :) 

Keys To Aging Well

While maintaining your physical health is important to healthy aging, it's also ket to value the experience and maturity you gain with advanving years. Practicing healthy habits throughout your life is ideal, but it's never too late to reap the benefits of taking good care of yourself, even as you get older.

Here are some healthy aging tips that are good advice at any stage of life:

•Stay physically active with regular exercise

•Stay socially active with friends and family and within your community

•Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet

•Don't neglect yourself: Regular check-ups with your doctor, dentist and optometrist are even more important now

•Take all medications as directed by your doctor

•Limit alcohol consumption and cut out smoking

•Get the sleep thatyour body needs

Finally, taking care of your physical self is vital, but it's important that you tend to your emotional health as well. Reap the rewards of your long life, and enjoy each and every day, Now is the time to savor good health and happiness.

Winter Wellness For Our Senior Loved Ones

•Winter weather raises the risk that a senior will fall, often with debilitating results. Our professional caregiers can keep the front steps and walkways free of ice and snow, and also provide assistance while walking on the sidewalks and driveways.

•Before the cold weather arrives make sure your senior loved one's home gets a winter weather safety inspection. Have the heating system serviced professionally, inspect the fireplace and chimney, and be sure that smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors are in working order. Our caregivers are available to be at the home for professional service appointments in the event family lives too far or are unable to be at the home. 

•Often times the winter weather keeps us indoors. For homebound seniors, especially those living alone, loneliness and isolation can lead to depression that threatens their physical and cognitive health. Our professional caregivers can provide transportation to your loved ones favorite activities, or provide companionship and engage your loved on in their favorite pastimes. For example: book, crafts, games, etc. 

•As we grow older, we become more sensative to the cold. Our professional caregivers can make sure that the temperature in the home is safe and help dress your loved one for the weather. 

•No worries about having to travel in the winter weather to make sure your loved one has groceries. Our professional caregivers can either take your loved one to the grocery store or do the shopping while your loved one stays home nice and warm.

•Our caregivers can help to make the holidays merrier by helping decorate, shoppong for gifts and wrapping them and providing transportation to local events.